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Best Fertility Massage in Houston



Uterus are supported with ligaments giving it the ability to move constantly in order to accommodate normal physiological functioning, such as menstruation , pregnancy, and filling and emptying of the bladder and bowel.


We learn uterus can be displaced due diverse causes such car accident, chronic cough, aging and the pull of gravity on ligaments, running on cement surfaces, wearing high-heeled shoes, carrying heavy burdens just before or during menstruation and too soon after childbirth, birth complications, surgical procedures, miscarriages, and other causes.  Women often have a mix of symptoms depending on age, activity,  lifestyle and cause of the prolapse.  In our experience women report pelvic heaviness or pressure along with protrusion of tissue.  



Prolapsed uterus therapy |Best Fertility Massage

Displaced uterus

Pubic bone
Normal Position

Women suffer needlessly from a variety of symptoms that turn their lives full of physical complaints that can be easily be corrected by returning the uterus to the proper function and position.  


We are blessed to apply ancestral knwoldge and modern techniques that provide health and wellness. 


We share with you the most common DISPLACED UTERUS SYMPTOMS that may be improved by incorporating our holistic modality into ones health care.





 - Dysmenorreah (Lack of menses). or painful periods.


- Late, early or irregular periods, Dark, thick blood at onset and at end of menses.


- Headache or migraine with menses


- Dizziness with menses 


- Depression and anxiety


- Blood cloths during menses and/ or excessive bleeding

Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 



- Failure to ovulate


- Irregular ovulation


- Painful ovulation [ Mittelschmerz]


- Polycystic ovarian Syndrom [ PCOS ]


- Ovarian cyst


Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 
Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 
Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 



Chronic miscarriages


- Premature births


- Weak newborns, infants


- False pregnancies


- Difficult pregnancy


- Cervical insufficiency


- Spottig


- Fertility Challenges

Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 
Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 



- Varicose veins of the legs


- Hemorrhoids


- Tired, weak legs


- Numb legs and feet especially when standing still for a while.

Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 



- Frequent urination


- Bladder infections


- incontinence


- Urine Leaks 



- Endometriosis


- Endometritis


- Uterine polyps


- Uterine fibroids


- Uterine infections


- Vaginal yeast conditions


- Vaginits


- Painful intercourse


- Undiagnosed pelvic pain

Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 


- Sore heels when walking


- Low back ache


- Sacrum ache


- Legs ache and heaviness 



Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 



- Constipation


- Difficult menopause


- Cancer of the cervix, uterus, or colon

Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 
Herbs by Leah Best Fertility Massage Leah Ortiz Best Fertility massage  Retroverted Tilted  Retroflexed Semen Sperm Quality  Orsal Therapy  Sobada maya | Utuero Liting   Ovulation  IVF | IUI 
The most recognized Fertility Massage in USA located in Houston,TX | Tilted and displaced uterus and bladder, post partum and c-section recovery.(346)212-2953
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